Memphis (Mĕm'phis), In Hebrew Noph, place of Phtah. An ancient royal city of lower Egypt. From the ancient hieroglyphic name Ma-m-Phtah came the Hebrew "Moph," Hosea 9:6, and "Noph," and the Greek form "Memphis." Isaiah 19:13, Jeremiah 2:16, Jeremiah 44:1, Ezekiel 30:13, Ezekiel 30:16. Memphis is said to have been about 19 miles in circumference. Its overthrow was distinctly predicted by the Hebrew prophets; Isaiah 19:13, Jeremiah 46:19; and it never recovered from the blow inflicted upon it by Cambyses, 525 b.c. After the founding of Alexandria, Memphis rapidly fell into decay. It is now marked by mounds of rubbish, a colossal statue sunk deep in the ground, and a few fragments of granite.