Messiah (mes-si'ah). This is a Hebrew word signifying "anointed," and corresponding exactly to the Greek Christos. As in ancient times not only the king, but also the priest and the prophet, was consecrated to his calling by being anointed, the word "Messiah" often occurs in the Old Testament in its literal sense, signifying one who has been anointed, 1 Samuel 24:6, Lamentations 1:4-22 :' 20; Ezekiel 28:14, Psalms 105:15; hut generally it has a more specific application, signifying the One who was anointed, the supreme Deliverer who was promised from the beginning, Genesis 3:15, and about whom a long series of prophecies runs through the whole history of Israel from Abram, Genesis 12:3, Genesis 22:18; Jacob, Genesis 49:10; Balaam, Numbers 24:17; Moses, Deuteronomy 18:15, Deuteronomy 18:18; and Nathan, 2 Samuel 7:16; through the psalmists and prophets, Psalms 1:2-12, Psalms 1:16-11, Psalms 1:22-31, Psalms 1:40-17, Psalms 1:45-17, Psalms 1:110-7, Isaiah 1:7-16, Isaiah 1:9-7, Isaiah 1:11-16, Isaiah 1:13-22, Isaiah 1:53-12, Isaiah 1:61-11, Jeremiah 1:23-6, Micah 5:2, Malachi 1:3-4, to his immediate precursor, John the Baptist. The character of these prophecies is very definite. The lineage from which Messiah should descend was foretold, Genesis 49:10, Isaiah 11:1, the place in which he should be born, Micah 5:2, the time of his appearance, Daniel 9:20, Daniel 9:25, Haggai 2:7, Malachi 3:1, etc. Nevertheless, in the vanity of their hearts, the Jews mistook the true meaning of these prophecies. They expected a triumphant worldly king, according to Psalms 1:2-12, Jeremiah 1:23-6, Zechariah 9:9, and that his triumph was to be accomplished by sufferings and death they did not understand. See Jesus Christ.