Molech. (mô'lek), the rider, Leviticus 18:21, or Milcom (mĭl'kom), 1 Kings 11:5, or Moloch, Acts 7:43. The name of an idol-god worshipped by the Ammonites with human sacrifices, especially of children. The rabbins tell us that it was made of brass and placed on a brazen throne, and that the head was that of a calf with a crown upon it. The throne and image were made hollow, and a furious fire was kindled within it. The flames penetrated into the body and limbs of the idol; and when the arms were red-hot, the victim was thrown into them, and was almost immediately burned to death, while its cries were drowned by drums. Though warned against this idolatry, common to all the Canaanite tribes, though probably not of Canaanite origin, the Jews were repeatedly allured to adopt it. 2 Kings 23:10, Ezekiel 20:26. In the Valley of Hinnom they set up a tabernacle to Molech, and there they sacrificed their children to the idol.