Nero (nç'ro). L. Domitius Nero succeeded Claudius as emperor of Rome, 54 a.d., and killed himself to avoid a public execution, 68. In his reign that war commenced between the Jews and Romans which terminated later in the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus and the overthrow of the Jewish polity. It was under Nero, too, that a fierce persecution of the Christians began, about 61 a.d., which lasted till his death. Paul suffered martyrdom in it at Rome. So great were this monarch's cruelties that his name has ever since served specially to distinguish a tyrant. He to frequently indicated as Caesar in the New Testament, Acts 25:18, Acts 1:25-12, Acts 25:21, Acts 26:32, Acts 28:19, Philippians 4:22, and as Augustus, Acts 25:21, Acts 25:25; but his name Nero does not occur. See Cæsar.

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