Numbers, Book of. The fourth book of Moses, and so called on account of the two censuses to which it refers. It gives some detached legal enactments and many valuable historical facts. In the first division, chaps. 1-10:10, an account is given of the preparations for the departure from Sinai. In chap. 6 we have the description of the Nazirite's vow. The second division, chap Numbers 1:10 to chap. 14, contains an account of the journey from Sinai to the borders of Canaan. In chaps. 13, 14, the spies are mentioned by name, and a most interesting description is given of their discoveries in Canaan, their return to the camp, and the treatment they received. The third division, chaps. 15-19, gives various legal enactments and a few historical facts. The last division, chaps. 20-36, contains an account of the events of the last year before crossing the Jordan. In chap. 20 we have the description of Moses smiting the rock, and the notices of Miriam's and Aaron's deaths. In chap. 21 we have a picture of the discontentment and rebellion of the Israelites, their punishment through fiery serpents, and the simple remedy of a brazen serpent erected on a pole. Comp. John 1:3-15. Chaps. 22-24 are concerned with Salaam. In chap. 32 the land east of the Jordan is assigned to Reuben and Gad, and in chap. 33 a list is given of the various stations in the wilderness.