Abjects, Psalms 35:15—low, despised persons.
Abomination, Deuteronomy 7:26—idol; polluted thing.
Addicted, 1 Corinthians 16:15—devoted; given to.
Affect, Galatians 4:17—seek to win.
Aha, Psalms 35:21—"hurrah."
Albeit, Ezekiel 13:7—although it be.
Allow, Luke 11:48—to praise; to approve.
All to brake, Judges 9:53—brake to pieces.
Amerce, Deuteronomy 22:19—punish by fire.
Ancients, Isaiah 47:6—aged persons.
Anon, Matthew 13:20—quickly at once.
Apothecary, Exodus 30:25—not a druggist, but "a maker of perfumes."
Artillery, 1 Samuel 20:40—bows; arrows; sling.
Astonied, Job 17:8—astonished.
At one, Acts 7:26—in concord, or agreement.
Attent, 2 Chronicles 6:40—attentive.
Avoid, 1 Samuel 18:11—to withdraw.
Away with, Isaiah 1:13—bear or endure.
Barbarian, 1 Corinthians 14:11—foreigner; not a Greek.
Beeves, Leviticus 22:21—(plural of beef) oxen; cows.
Bestead, Isaiah 8:21—placed.
Bewray, Matthew 26:73—expose; betray.
Blains, Exodus 9:9—blisters; pimples.
Boiled, Exodus 9:31—gone to seed.
Bosses, Job 15:26—stud; knob: buckle.
Botch, Deuteronomy 28:27—swelling; boil.
Bravery, Isaiah 3:18—fine dress; showy.
Bray, Proverbs 27:22—to beat; pound.
Brigandine, Jeremiah 46:4—coat of armor.
Bruit, Jeremiah 10:22—report; fame.
By, 1 Corinthians 4:4—against.
By and by, Matthew 13:21—at once; immediately.
Calker, Ezekiel 27:9—one who stops leaks of a ship.
Camphire, on Ezekiel 1:1, Song of Solomon 1:14—refers to cypress, or to "henna-flowers."
Careful, Philippians 4:6—anxious.
Carriage, 1 Samuel 17:22. —baggage; what is carried.
Caul, Isaiah 3:18—network for the head.
Champaign, Deuteronomy 11:30—level place.
Chapiter, Exodus 36:38—capital of a pillar.
Chapmen, 2 Chronicles 9:14—traders; merchants.
Chapt, Jeremiah 14:4—cracked open.
Charger, Matthew 14:8—large dish.
Charges, to be at, Acts 21:24—to pay expenses.
Charity, 1 Corinthians 1:13—love to God and man.
Clouted, Joshua 9:5—patched.
Cockle, Job 31:40—refers to weed in grain.
Collops, Job 15:27—slices of fat.
College, 2 Kings 22:14—refers to "second ward," or port.
Comfort, 1 Thessalonians 4:18—to strengthen.
Compass, Acts 28:13—to make a circuit; surround.
Concision, Philippians 3:2—cutting off.
Confection, Exodus 30:35—compound of various things.
Conscience, Hebrews 10:2—to have sense of.
Convenient, Acts 24:25—seasonable; becoming.
Conversation—(never means "speech" in Scripture) but, (1) Philippians 1:27—behavior; (2) Philippians 3:20—citizenship; (3) Hebrews 13:5—disposition.
Countervail, Esther 7:4—to compensate.
Cracknels, 1 Kings 14:3—brittle cakes.
Crisping pins, Isaiah 3:22—irons for curling the hair.
Cumber, Luke 10:40—to burden uselessly.
Curious arts, Acts 19:19—magic.
Damnation, 1 Corinthians 11:29—condemnation.
Daysman, Job 9:33—umpire; arbiter.
Deal, Exodus 29:40—portion, or part.
Delicates, Jeremiah 51:34—choice dainties.
Deputy, 1 Kings 22:47—deputed to rule.
Disposition, Acts 7:53—ordering.
Dote, Jeremiah 50:36—become foolish.
Do you to wit, 2 Corinthians 8:1—make you to know.
Draught, Matthew 15:17—drain.
Draught house, 2 Kings 10:27—cesspool.
Ear, to, Isaiah 30:24—to plow.
Earing, Genesis 45:6—plowing.
Earnest, 2 Corinthians 1:22—a pledge or token of what is to come.
Emerods, 1 Samuel 5:6—hemorrhoids; piles.
Enlarge, 2 Samuel 22:37—make free.
Ensample, 1 Corinthians 10:11—example.
Ensue, 1 Peter 3:11—to follow and overtake.
Eschew, 1 Peter 3:11—shun; flee from.
Exchangers, Matthew 25:27—bankers; brokers.
Exorcists, Acts 19:13—one who pretends to cast out evil spirits by magic.
Eyeservice, Ephesians 6:6—work done when watched.
Fain, Luke 15:16—glad; gladly.
Fats, Joel 2:24—vats.
Fenced, Numbers 32:17—walled (cities).
Flood, Joshua 24:3—Euphrates river.
Fray, Deuteronomy 28:26—scare; frighten.
Fritting, Leviticus 13:51—corroding; eating as a moth.
Gainsay, Luke 21:15—disprove; contradict.
Garner, Matthew 3:12—storehouse for grain.
Gin, Amos 3:5—trap or snare.
Glistering, Luke 9:29—sparkling; glittering.
Greaves, 1 Samuel 17:6—armor-plates for legs.
Grudge, James 5:9—grumble.
Habergeon, Job 41:26—coat-of-mail.
Haft, Judges 3:22—handle of knife; dagger.
Hale, Luke 12:58—forcibly drag.
Halt, Luke 14:21—lame; crippled.
Harness, 1 Kings 22:34—body-armor of a soldier.
Hoised, Acts 27:40—hoisted.
Hold, Judges 9:46—stronghold; prison.
Honest, Romans 12:17—honorable.
Hosen, Daniel 3:21—trowsers and stockings in one piece.
Hough, Joshua 11:6—to hamstring.
Instant, Romans 12:12—pressing; urgent.
Instantly, Acts 26:7—earnestly; at once.
Jeopard, Judges 5:18—hazard, or risk of life.
Kerchief, Ezekiel 13:21—covering for the head.
Kine, 1 Samuel 6:7—cows; milch-kine = milking-cows.
Knop, Exodus 25:33—knob; a bud-shaped carving.
Leasing, Psalms 4:2—lying; falsehood.
Let, 2 Thessalonians 2:7—hinder; prevent.
Lewdness, Acts 18:14—wickedness; crime.
Libertine, Acts 6:9—child of a freed slave.
Listeth. John 3:8—desireth; wills; chooseth; like.
Lust, Exodus 15:9—desire of any kind.
Lusty, Judges 3:29—healthy; vigorous; strong.
Magnifical, 1 Chronicles 22:5—grand; magnificent.
Marishes, Ezekiel 47:11—marshes; swampy ground.
Maw, Deuteronomy 18:3—stomach.
Meat, Genesis 1:29—any kind of food.
Meet, Matthew 3:8—suitable; fitting.
Mete, Matthew 7:2—measure.
Meteyard, Leviticus 19:35—measuring-rod; yard measure.
Mincing, Isaiah 3:16—walking with short steps.
Minish, Exodus 5:19—diminish; lessen.
Minister, Luke 4:20—attendant; helper.
Munition, Nahum 2:1—fortifications; ramparts.
Murrain, Exodus 9:3—cattle-plague.
Naught, Proverbs 20:14—bad; worthless.
Neesings, Job 41:18—old form of "sneezing."
Nephew, 1 Timothy 6:4—grandchild.
Nether, Deuteronomy 24:6—lower.
Noisome, Psalms 91:3—noxious; hurtful.
Occupy, Luke 19:13—trade with.
Offence, Romans 9:33—that against which one stumbles.
Offend, Matthew 18:9—stumble against; cause to stumble.
Or ever, Daniel 6:24—before.
Ouches, Exodus 28:11—sockets (of gold or silver).
Outlandish, Nehemiah 13:26—foreign; strange.
Painful, Psalms 73:16—hard to do.
Painfulness, 2 Corinthians 11:27—painstaking.
Peeled, Isaiah 18:2, Isaiah 18:7—robbed; plundered.
Pilled, Genesis 1:30-38—peel; strip off bark.
Poll, to, 2 Samuel 14:26—lop; cut off, esp. hair.
Pommel, 2 Chronicles 4:12—globes; apple-shaped.
Potsherd, Psalms 22:16—fragment of broken pottery.
Pressfat, Haggai 2:16—vat to receive grape-juice from the winepress.
Prevent, 1 Thessalonians 4:15—come before; precede.
Proper, Hebrews 11:23—fair; handsome.
Provoke, 2 Corinthians 9:2—stimulate; challenge to action.
Publican, Luke 5:27—collector of public revenue.
Quick, Psalms 124:3—living; lively.
Quicken, Psalms 71:20—make alive.
Quit, 1 Corinthians 16:13—acquit; act.
Ravening, Luke 11:39—greediness; rapacity.
Ravin, raven, Genesis 49:27—plunder; capture; spoil.
Reins, Psalms 7:9—kidneys, hence emotions; affections.
Rereward, Isaiah 52:12, Isaiah 58:8—rear-guard.
Ringstraked, Genesis 30:35—marked with circular bands or rings.
Savour, Matthew 16:23—taste; relish; relish in mind.
Scrabbled, 1 Samuel 21:13—scrawled; made unmeaning marks.
Scrip, Luke 22:36—small bag or wallet.
Seethe, Exodus 16:23—boil; perf. "sod," part. "sodden."
Servitor, 2 Kings 4:43—servant or attendant.
Sherd, Isaiah 30:14—fragment; shred, as of pottery.
Shroud, Ezekiel 31:3—shelter; covering, as of a tree.
Silverling, Isaiah 7:23—small silver coin.
Sith, Ezekiel 35:6—since; forasmuch as.
Sod, sodden, Exodus 12:9—boiled; from the verb "seethe."
Sojourn, Genesis 12:10—to dwell temporarily.
Sometimes, Ephesians 2:13—once; formerly.
Speed, Genesis 24:12—subst. success.
Steads, 1 Chronicles 5:22—(Sax. stede) places.
Straightway, Luke 5:39—immediately; at once.
Strain at, Matthew 23:24—as in swallowing, (probably a misprint for "strain out.")
Straitly, Mark 1:4—strictly; closely.
Straitness, Jeremiah 19:9—scarcity of food; famine.
Strake, Genesis 30:37—a streak.
Strake, Acts 27:17—past tense of the vent to "strike."
Strawed, Matthew 21:8—strewed or scattered, Sundry, Hebrews 1:1—several; various.
Tabering, Nahum 2:7—beating, as on a taber-drum.
Taches, Exodus 26:6—catches or clasps; any fastening.
Tale, Exodus 5:8, Exodus 5:18—reckoning; appointed number.
Target, 1 Samuel 17:6—light shield; buckler.
Temperance, Galatians 5:23—moderation; sedateness; self-control.
Tempt, Genesis 22:1—test; try.
Thought, Matthew 6:25—worry; anxious care.
Tired, 2 Kings 9:30, Isaiah 3:18—adorned, as the head.
Trow, Luke 17:9—think; imagine; suppose.
Turtle, Sol. Song of Solomon 2:12—a dove; the turtle-dove.
Twain, Isaiah 6:2—two.
Undergird, Acts 27:17—pass ropes round hull of a ship.
Undersetter, 1 Kings 7:30, 1 Kings 7:34—prop; support.
Vile, James 2:2—plain; poor.
Ware, Acts 14:6—aware; to know.
Wax, Luke 1:80—grow or become.
Wench, 2 Samuel 17:17—maid-servant.
Whit, 2 Corinthians 11:5—(Sax. wihi) a bit; atom.
Wimple, Isaiah 3:22—veil; covering of head and neck.
Winefat—wine vat.
Wist, Mark 14:40—(Sax. wiste) knew.
Wit, to, 2 Corinthians 8:1—(Sax. witan) to know.
Withs, Judges 16:7—young twigs of a willow; osier.
Withal, Acts 25:27—with the same; therewith.
Wittingly, Genesis 48:14—Intentionally; knowingly.
Woe worth, Ezekiel 30:2—woe be or become.
Wont, Matthew 27:15—accustomed.
Wot, Genesis 39:8, Exodus 32:1—know.
Wreathen. Exodus 28:14—twisted; turned; "wreathen work."