Ophrah (ŏf'rah), female fawn. 1. A town in Benjamin toward which an invading company of Philistines went. Joshua 18:23, 1 Samuel 13:17. Some suppose it is identical with Ephrain or Ephron, 2 Chronicles 13:19, and with the city of Ephraim, to which our Lord retired after raising Lazarus. John 11:54 Eusebius and Jerome located it about five Roman miles east of Bethel. 2. Ophrah of the Abi-ezerite. Judges 6:11, Judges 6:24. This was the place where Gideon saw the angel, erected an altar, and where he was buried. Judges 8:27, Judges 8:32. Here Abimelech slew 70 of his kindred, and the town appears to have been near Shechem, in the territory of Manasseh. Judges 9:1, Judges 1:9-6, Judges 9:15. The Palestine Memoirs suggest as its site the village of Ferata, near Shechem.