Scorpion. 1. A venomous creature allied to the spider, but resembling the lobster. Its usual length is one or two inches, but in tropical climates it is sometimes found six or eight inches in length, and its sting is attended with excruciating pain, Revelation 1:9-6, terminating often in violent convulsions and death. Scorpions are abundant in Palestine, and are especially common about Mount Sinai. Deuteronomy 8:16. They remain dormant during the cold season, but through the rest of the year swarm under stones and in all the crannies and crevices of walls and houses. The sting is a curved claw at the end of the tail, and this latter the animal, in running, carries over its back in a threatening attitude. Luke 11:12 seems to mean merely the bestowal of a dangerous and unwelcome gift rather than a good one, and may refer to the Greek proverb: "A scorpion instead of a perch." 2. An instrument resembling a whip, with knots, bits of lead, or small stones at the end. 1 Kings 12:11. See Scourge.