Sheba (shç'ba), seven or an oath. 1. A wealthy region in Arabia bordering on the Bed Sea. The queen of Sheba visited Solomon, coming "to Jerusalem with a very great train, with camels that bear spices, and very much gold, and precious stones." 1 Kings 1:10-13, 2 Chronicles 1:9-12. Many ancient writers noted the abundance of spices in the Yemen or Sabæan country. Strabo asserts that the enormous profits of the spice trade made the Sabæans one of the wealthiest nations on the face of the earth. They used gold and silver most lavishly in their furniture, their utensils, and even on the doors and roofs of their houses. 2. A town in Simeon, mentioned between Beer-sheba and Moladah. Joshua 19:2. Shema is named next to Moladah in Joshua 15:26, and is probably identical with this Sheba.

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