Simeon (sĭm'e-on), a hearkening. 1. The second son of Jacob, born of Leah. Genesis 29:33. He participated in the revenge of Levi against the Shechemites for the outrage upon Dinah. Genesis 34:25, Genesis 34:30, Genesis 1:49-7. Before entering Canaan, the tribe of Simeon had become the lowest of the tribes in point of number. Numbers 1:23, Numbers 26:14. To the Simeonites was assigned the territory in the southwest, with a number of towns, which had been allotted to Judah. Joshua 1:19-9. An emigration from this tribe took place, at an early period, towards Gedor, and afterwards to Mount Seir. 1 Chronicles 1:4-43, Ezekiel 48:24, Revelation 7:7.. One of the ancestors of Mary, Luke 3:30, A. V., but R. V. reads "Symeon." 3. An aged godly Jew residing at Jerusalem, who had been favored with a divine intimation that he should live to see the Lord's Christ. And being led by the Spirit, at the time when Jesus was presented by his mother at the temple, he recognized the infant as the expected Messiah, and took him in his arms and blessed him, glorifying God. Luke 1:2-35.. A Christian teacher at Antioch, surnamed Niger (black).evidently from his dark complexion. Acts 13:1, R. V. "Symeon."

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