Sodom (sŏd'om), burning? The principal city in a group of cities in the vale of Siddim, which were destroyed on account of the great wickedness of their inhabitants. Genesis 10:19, Genesis 13:3, Genesis 1:13, Genesis 1:19-29. The history of its great wickedness and its terrible punishment is given in Genesis 1:18-33, Genesis 1:19-29. Sodom is often held up as a warning to sinners to escape the terrible vengeance of God. Deuteronomy 29:23, Isaiah 1:1-10, Isaiah 3:9, Isaiah 13:19, Jeremiah 23:14, Jeremiah 49:18, Ezekiel 1:16-50, Amos 4:11, Zephaniah 2:9, Matthew 10:15, Matthew 1:11-24, 2 Peter 1:2-8, Revelation 11:8. There are only two possible localities for these cities—the lower end of the lake, or the upper end of the same. Tradition, from the time of Josephus and Jerome, has pointed to the southern site. The northern site has been strongly advocated by Grove, Tristram, Thomson, and others, and it is probably the true one, though the question is one which is undecided.