Son of God. This title is continually given to the Lord Jesus Christ, and as appropriated by him it is a full proof of his divinity. Luke 1:32, Luke 1:22-71, Romans 1:4. The title was applied to Adam, who had no human father. Luke 3:38. And there is a sense in which other men, as the creatures of God's hand, and still more as received into his reconciled family by adoption, may be called God's sons. Hosea 1:10, John 1:12, Acts 1:17-29, Romans 8:14, Galatians 3:26, Galatians 1:4-7, 1 John 1:3-2. but it was evidently with a much higher meaning that our Lord is termed "The Son of God." For the Jews rightly judged that by the assumption of this title he laid claim to equality with God, and, regarding it as blasphemy, and a breach of the first commandment, they determined to put him to death. John 1:6-18. In fact, it was on this charge that ultimately they condemned him. And that it was not in the lower and common sense that Christ claimed God as his Father is evident from the fact that he did not correct the Jews' opinion; which most unquestionably be would have done, bad they been under a mistake in supposing him to have broken the great commandment of the law. See Jesus Christ.

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