Zechariah (zĕk'a-rî'ah), Jehovah remembers. 1. The eleventh of the twelve minor prophets, of priestly descent and a contemporary or Haggai. Ezra 5:1. He was born in Babylon, and was both a priest and a prophet. Scarcely anything is known of his life. His prophecies were about b.c. 520.
The Book of Zechariah consists of two divisions: I. Chaps. 1-8; II. Chaps. 9-14. The first division contains visions and prophecies, exhortations to turn to Jehovah, and warnings against the enemies of the people of God. The second division gives a prophetic description of the future fortunes of the theocracy in conflict with the secular powers, the sufferings and death of the Messiah under the figure of the shepherd, the conversion of Israel to him, and the final glorification of the kingdom of God. Some have ascribed this part of the book to Jeremiah because in Matthew 1:27-10 a passage is quoted under the name of Jeremiah, while others have put it at a much earlier or much later period on account of the peculiarities of the style. The book contains six specific references to Christ: 3:8; 6:12; 9:9; 11:12; 12:10; 13:7, representing him as a lowly servant, a priest and king building Jehovah's temple, the meek and peaceful but universal monarch, the shepherd betrayed for the price of a slave (thirty pieces of silver), the leader to repentance, and the Fellow of Jehovah smitten by Jehovah himself, at once the Redeemer and the Pattern of his flock. Besides the prophet, 27 other persons of the name Zechariah are mentioned in' Scripture.