DANIEL.—The influence of Daniel on the Apocalyptic conceptions of the Gospels is profound (see Apocalyptic Literature). For the possible influence of Daniel 7:13 see Son of Man. The only passage in which the book is explicitly mentioned is Matthew 24:15, where the phrase τὸ? βδέλυγμα τῆ?ς ἐ?ρημώσεως (‘the abomination of desolation’) is quoted. See art. Abomination of Desolation. It is to be noted that in the corresponding passage in Mark (Mark 13:14), no mention is made of Daniel. In view of the accepted priority of Mark and his closer fidelity, and also of Matthew’s fondness for OT references, the absence of the clause raises the suspicion that it is not part of the original utterance, but a comment added by the latter Evangelist. In that case it would not be necessary to assume that Jesus meant to use the phrase in the same sense as it is used in Daniel. He may have only adopted or borrowed it as a current popular expression to describe some minatory event which He foresaw portending the forthcoming calamity.
A. Mitchell Hunter.