EIGHTH DAY.—On the eighth day after birth, as is well known, Jewish male infants received the rite of circumcision, and, at all events by the time of our Lord, their proper name also, in memory of the change in Abraham’s name (see Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, art. ‘Circumcision’). Accordingly St. Luke records the fact that both Jesus Christ (Luke 2:21) and His forerunner John the Baptist (Luke 1:59 ff.) were circumcised and named on the eighth day (cf. Php_3:5, Acts 7:8 etc.); for thus it became them ‘to fulfil all righteousness’ (i.e. to observe all the requirements of the ancient Law in the spirit as well as in the letter). See, further, art. Circumcision.
C. L. Feltoe.