HONOUR.—The codes of technical ‘honour’ are largely opposed to the teaching of Christ (Matthew 5, Luke 6:29). Therefore such conceptions of ‘honour’ must be regarded as briers choking the word (Mark 4:19); for whatever justification codes of ‘honour’ may claim (as from Matthew 7:12), they are impatient of the spirit of meekness inculcated by Christ in precept (Matthew 5:39) and in example (Matthew 27). So the Sons of Thunder would have vindicated summarily the honour of their Master (Luke 9:54). More generally, in the quest of honour, it is honour from God and not from men that is to be sought by the Christian—the glory of God rather than of men (John 12:43). Worldly honour may be a source of severest temptation (Luke 4:7), for the disciple is not greater than his Master whose sinlessness was thus brought to view (Matthew 10:24). Honour from God the Christian disciple will have: ‘If any man will serve me, him will my Father honour’ (John 12:26). And to be invited to the marriage-supper of the King’s Son is a greater honour than any this world affords (Matthew 22). but this honour and blessing from God contrasts with the dishonour and scorn that the world is ready to shower upon followers of One who was despised and rejected. The wicked husbandmen did not honour the son of the lord of the vineyard (Mark 12:6); they killed him and put him to shame (Mark 15). The Christian therefore must not be found
‘Seeking an honour which they gave not Thee.’
Nay, even the most sacred honour is not the right goal for the follower of Christ, as James and John were taught (Mark 10:37). Service, not honour, is the true aim for the life of self-sacrifice,—not to be honoured of all, but to be servant of all (Mark 10:44). Honour is included in the all-things left to follow Christ (Matthew 19:27), and it is worth while to abandon all worldly things in exchange for the true life (Matthew 16:26). Still further, the tradition of men must give place to the commandment of God (Mark 7:8). Dishonour now will give place to eternal and Divine honour in due season (Matthew 19:28).
W. B. Frankland.