SUMMER (θέρος, Matthew 24:32, Mark 13:28, Luke 21:30).—This term stands in the Gospels for the time of heat as distinguished from χειμών, the season of cold and rain-storms. These terms indicate the great division of the year in the East. Scripture has no special words for ‘spring’ and ‘autumn’; and while the Arab speaks of er-rabîʿ?a, ‘the time of fresh pasture,’ and el-kharîf, ‘the time of gathering’ of grapes and other fruits, they are hardly regarded as distinct seasons. Saif wa shitta’, ‘summer and winter,’ sum up the year for him. When, in the less frequent showers of early April, the fig-leaves burst out and cover the immature fruit on the twigs, the days of cloudless sunshine are ‘at hand.’ These last from April, through the harvest in the end of May, the threshing and winnowing that follow, and the gathering of the fruits in August and September, until the clouds of October herald the coming of rains and cold.

W. Ewing.

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