THRONE (θρόνος) is a term applied, first of all, to the royal seat of a king; and, secondly, to the official seat of a judge or subordinate ruler. In the former sense it is employed of heaven as the throne of God (Matthew 5:34, Matthew 23:22). The Messianic reign of Jesus is foretold by Zacharias in the words, ‘The Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David’ (Luke 1:32). Jesus speaks of His own exaltation as the time ‘when the Son of Man shall sit on the throne of his glory’ (Matthew 19:28, Matthew 25:31). The universal dominion which He is to share with His Father is suggested by ‘the Lamb in the midst of the throne’ (Revelation 5:6, Revelation 7:17), and by ‘the throne of God and of the Lamb’ (Revelation 22:3). So in Hebrews 8:1, Hebrews 12:2 Christ is seated ‘on the right hand of the throne’ of God. The promise given to the Twelve, of sitting on thrones of judgment (Matthew 19:28 || Luke 22:30), is practically given to all who overcome in the battle with evil (Revelation 3:21). In Colossians 1:16 ‘thrones’ are among the subordinate powers of the universe which owe their creation to Christ.
James Patrick.