TONGUE (γλῶ?σσα)—.
1. The organ of speech (Mark 7:33, Mark 7:35). Its power for good or evil is indicated in Scripture by the figures of a sword (Psalms 57:4, Psalms 64:3), a serpent (Psalms 140:3), an arrow (Jeremiah 9:8), fire (Isaiah 30:27, James 3:6), a beast of prey (James 3:8). It is referred to as a personality with independent will and the power of devising and executing plans (Psalms 50:19, Psalms 52:2, Proverbs 18:21). It walks (Psalms 73:9), it rises in rebellion (Isaiah 54:17), it has ethical and emotional qualities (Psalms 120:2-3, Psalms 126:2), it performs acts of worship (Isaiah 45:23, Romans 14:11, Php_2:11).
2. Language (Mark 16:17, Acts 2:8).—In this sense it forms a counterpart to deed and actuality (Matthew 7:21, 1 John 3:18). In Revised Version NT 1881, OT 1885 of Acts 1:19, Acts 2:8, Acts 21:40, Acts 22:2, Acts 26:14 ‘language’ is substituted for Authorized Version ‘tongue’ as translation of διάλεκτος, local and provincial speech. Language formed one of the first antipathies that the preaching of the Kingdom encountered, and one of its earliest triumphs was in the discovery and declaration that in the new citizenship there was neither Greek nor barbarian (Romans 1:14, Colossians 3:11).
3. Index of nationality, Revelation 5:9, Revelation 14:6, being thus equivalent to ‘race,’ ‘people,’ ‘humanity.’
In keeping with the important influence attached to language, Christ charged His disciples to avoid unloving, untruthful, and irreverent speech (Matthew 5:22, Matthew 5:33-37). He trusted the defence of Himself and His teaching to the power of right words (Luke 12:11-12), and the future extension of His Kingdom to the proclamation of a definite message (Matthew 10:27, Matthew 28:19).
G. M. Mackie.