Fortunatus Fortunatus was one of three deputies from the Church in Corinth who visited St. Paul in Ephesus, perhaps bearing letters, and to whom he refers in 1 Corinthians 16:17, 1 Corinthians 16:18 . Nothing more is known of him. It seems unlikely that all the deputies would belong to one household, as Weizsäcker (Apostol. Age, Eng. tr. [Note: r. translated, translation.], i. 2 [1897] 305) suggests, or that all were slaves (so T. C Edwards, ad loc.). Clement refers to a Fortunatus (in Ep. ad Cor . § 65) as accompanying his messengers from Rome to Corinth, but distinguishes him from them; the name, however, is too common for identification (See Achaicus and Stephanas).
J. E. Roberts.