Jason (Ἰ άσων)
Jason is a Greek name, often adopted by Jews of the Dispersion, sometimes as not unlike the names Joseph or Joshua.
1 . In Acts 17:5 ff., the host of St. Paul and Silas at Thessalonica, who was seized with other converts and dragged before the politarchs. These authorities bound over Jason and his friends in security that there should be no further disturbance and perhaps that St. Paul should leave the city and not return (See Ramsay, St. Paul the Traveller and the Roman Citizen, 1895, p. 230f.).
2 . In Romans 16:21, a person whose greetings St. Paul sends to his readers with greetings from Timothy, Lucius, and Sosipater, all of whom he describes as his ‘kinsmen,’ i.e. fellow-Jews or perhaps members of the same tribe. It is quite probable that 1 and 2 are the same man.
T. B. Allworthy.