Mnason Mnason, an ‘early disciple’ (ἀ ρχαί ῳ μαθητ ῇ, i.e., probably, a disciple from the beginning [cf. Acts 11:15, ἐ ν ἀ ρχ ῇ]), is mentioned in Acts 21:16 as the host of St. Paul in Jerusalem. The ambiguity of the text has caused much discussion. Grammatically it may mean either that Mnason accompanied St. Paul and his friends from CAEsarea to Jerusalem and then took in St. Paul, or that St. Paul’s friends brought him to Jerusalem to lodge with Mnason. Moreover, Cod. D and Syr. p. marg. [Note: arg. margin.] (Tisch.) introduce a variant reading which makes Mnason entertain St. Paul in a village on the way. but the difficulty is met by observing that the mind of the author of Acts is picturing the company after v. 15 as already in Jerusalem, as having Mnason as host, and being welcomed by the disciples. Nothing further is known of Mnason. The name occurs as a personal one some 30 times in the CIG [Note: IG Corpus Inscrip. GrAEcarum.], GrAEc. sept., vol. i., and also in Kaibel, no. 2393 (368). Cod. א and one or two Versions read ‘Jason’ for ‘Mnason’; cf. ‘Mambres’ for ‘Jambres’ (See Jannes and Jambres).
W. F. Cobb.