Moon There is only one reference to the natural light of the moon-there will be no need of the moon to shine in the heavenly Jerusalem (Revelation 21:23). The change in colour or obscuring of the moon denotes some great judgment, e.g. the moon will be turned into blood before the great Day of the Lord (Acts 2:20). So again at the opening of the sixth seal ‘the moon became as blood’ (Revelation 6:12). At the sounding of the fourth trumpet a third of the moon’s disk is obscured (Revelation 8:12). In Revelation 12:1 the woman who appears as a sign in heaven has the moon under her feet as a footstool (See Sun). In Colossians 2:16 St. Paul warns the Colossians to let no man judge them in respect of a holy day or of the new moon-a monthly festival of the Jews. These things had served their purpose under the old dispensation and were but shadows and types of the realities of the new. See Holy Day.

Morley Stevenson.

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