Pharaoh Pharaoh�S Daughter The term ‘Pharaoh’ was an honorary title of the kings of Egypt. In biblical history several Pharaohs are met with, especially in connexion with Abraham, Joseph, and Moses. In the NT there are some interesting references. Thus in his speech (Acts 7) St. Stephen proves God’s care for Joseph and Moses by the confidence Pharaoh placed in the former, and the protection given to the latter by the daughter of the reigning king. The writer of Hebrews (11:24) finds in the story of Moses who ‘refused to become the son of Pharaoh’s daughter’ an outstanding instance of faith refusing this world’s glory for the better part. St. Paul in his great argument for election in Romans (ch. 9) gives the Pharaoh of the Exodus as an illustration of God’s absoluteness in dealing with men. ‘Just as the career of Moses exhibits the Divine mercy, so the career of Pharaoh exhibits the Divine severity, and in both cases the absolute sovereignty of God is vindicated’ (Sanday-Headlam, ICC_, ‘Romans’5, Edinburgh, 1902, on 9:17).
J. W. Duncan.