Attendance at Public Worship: Invitations To. In Edinburgh a Sabbathschool teacher was once visiting in a close, and in one of the top flats of a stair, found a poor family living in a small but clean room. From conversation with the father and mother, she soon discovered that it was one of those cases where, from the long illness of the father, the family had fallen from comparative comfort to poverty. He was now, however, better, and had been able for some time to work a little, so as to keep his family from destitution, but by no means to enable them to live in comfort. Having learned so much of their worldly concerns, their visitor next began to speak of their souls' interests. She asked them if they went to any church. “No," said the father, “We used to go long ago, before I took ill; but we went no more after that." "But," said she, “you have been better for a good while." "Oh," said the father, “nobody ever asked us to come!" "Well," said the visitor, “I'll ask you now," and she directed him to a church where he would hear the glad tidings from a faithful minister. Next Sabbath several of the children were at her Sabbath-school, and told her that that day their family had been at church. Since that day they have been hearers of the Word. How many souls are perishing in Edinburgh and other towns, “because, though all things are now ready, nobody ever asked them to come!" Will not the blood of their souls be required at the hand of those who profess to have tasted a Savior’s love, and yet make not one effort to pluck brands out of the fire? Scottish Sunday School Teachers Magazine.