Popery. Lightfoot observes: “Yoke-fellows, indeed, are the Jew and Romanist above all people of the world, in a deluded fancying their own bravery and privilege above all the world besides. He that comes to read the Jewish writings, especially those that are of the nature of sermons, will find this to be the main stuffing of them, almost in every leaf and page. ‘How choice a people is Israel! how dearly God is in love with Israel! what a happy thing it is to be of the seed of Abraham! how blessed the nation of the Jews above all nations!’ And such stuff as this all along. And is not the style of the Romanists the very same tune? ‘How holy the Church of Rome! what superiority and pre-eminence hath the church above all churches, and all the men in the world are heretics, and apostates, and cast-aways, if they be not Romanists.’ Whereas if both these people would but impartially look upon themselves, they would See that there are such brands upon them as are upon no nation under heaven now extant.”

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