Servants, God�S: Their Ruling Motive. You cannot serve two masters: you must serve one or other. If your work is first with you, and your fee second, work is your master, and the Lord of work, who is God. but if your fee is first with you, and your work second, fee is your master, and the lord of fee, who is the devil; and not only the devil, but the lowest of devils: ” the least erected fiend that fell.” So there you have it in brief terms: work first, you are God’s servants; fee first, you are the fiend’s. And it makes a difference, now and ever, believe me, whether you serve him who has on his vesture and thigh written, “King of kings,” and whose service is perfect freedom; or him on whose vesture and thigh the name is written, “Slave of slaves,” and whose service is perfect slavery.: John Ruskin.

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