Deprecatio; or, Deprecation An Expression of Feeling by way of Deprecation
Dep-re-ca´-ti-o . The name of this figure is from the Latin, and means literally a praying against, an act of deprecation .
The figure is used in three senses:-
(1) A praying against evil, so as to avert or prevent its results: as when an Advocate pleads former good character, etc., on behalf of the accused person.
(2) Where the speaker prays against others, that evil may fall upon them;or even against himself. This is properly IMPRECATION.
(3) When the ejaculatory prayer is for the prevention or removal of any evil generally.
We have an example in the Deprecation of Moses:-
Exodus 32:32. -“Blot me, I pray, thee out of thy book.”
See this passage under Aposiopesis and Anthropopatheia .