Enallage; or, Exchange Exchange of one Word for another

E-nal´-la-gee, ἐναλλαγή, an exchange, from ἐναλλάσσειν (enallassein), to exchange, from ἐν (en), in, and ἀλλάσσειν (allassein), to change.

Enallage is a figure of grammar; and consists of an exchange of words, or a substitution of one word for another. It differs from Metonymy (q.v. [Note: Which see.]) in that Metonymy is the exchange or substitution of one noun for another noun: while Enallage is a change of one part of speech for another (Antimeria); or one tense, mood, person, or number for another (Heterosis); or one case for another (Antiptosis), but never of one noun for another.

It is also called ENALLAXIS (ἐνάλλαξις, e-nal-lax´-is), from another part of the same verb as Enallage, and with the same meaning, an exchange .

Also ALLŒGOSIS (ἀλλοίωσις, al-loi-ô’-sis), a change, or alteration, from ἀλλοιόω (alloioô), to make different, to change.

Enallage consists of the following forms:

Antimereia ,

Antiptosis ,

Heteroµsis, and

Hypallage´, which will be considered in order:-

Choose another letter: