Maledictio; or, Imprecation Expression of Feeling by way of Malediction or Execration
Mal´-e-dic´-ti-o . This is the Latin name, and means denunciation, cursing, imprecation, or execration .
Hence the other Latin names, IMPRECATIO and EXECRATIO, COMMINATIO. Also ARA, an altar, by which, and at which, oaths and execrations were pronounced.
The Greeks called it APEUCHE, ap-eu-chee, from ἀπεύχομαι, to pray a thing away, to pray that a thing may not be, and MISOS, mi-sos, Greek μῖσος, hate, hatred, a hateful object or thing .
See 1 Samuel 3:17 . Ruth 1:17 .
Psalms 1:109-19, where we have the Imprecation of David’s enemies for evil to come upon him. See under Ellipsis .
Ezekiel 34:2. -“Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves!”
A woe that comes upon all shepherds to-day who do not “feed the flocks.”
See the whole chapter for the reasons for this solemn “Woe.”
A concordance will enable students to find the examples for themselves, as they begin with “Woe,” such as those in Deuteronomy 1:28-19 . Isaiah 3:11, Jeremiah 48:46 . Matthew 11:21 .