Pathopoeia; or, Pathos The Expression of Feeling or Emotion
Path´-o-pœ-i-a . Greek, παθοποιΐα, from πάθος (pathos), a feeling or passion, and ποιεῖν (poiein), to make .
This figure is so called, because the writer or speaker manifests some pathos or emotion : or betrays some strong and excited condition of mind.
It is of four kinds:-
Two arising out of pleasure: love and joy . And
Two arising out of pain: hatred and sorrow .
Examples, which are too many and too long to be quoted in full, may be found in Isaiah 22:4, Isaiah 49:15, Jeremiah 1:9-2, Jeremiah 1:23-10, Jeremiah 31:20 . Hosea 1:11-9 . Mark 3:5, Mark 7:34, Mark 10:14, Mark 10:21, Luke 1:19-42, Acts 7:54, Acts 7:57 . 2 Corinthians 2:4, Galatians 1:4-20 . 2 Timothy 1:1-18 .