Advice; Advise; Advisement ad-vis', ad-viz', ad-viz'-ment: Aside from their regular meaning these words are peculiarly employed as follows:
(1) Advice' In 2 Samuel 19:43 (from, dabhar, "word") the meaning is equal to "request" (the Revised Version, margin "were we not the first to speak of bringing back"). In 1 Samuel 25:33 the King James Version (from, Ta`am, "taste," "reason") "advice" is equal to "sagacity" (the Revised Version (British and American) "blessed be thy discretion"). In 2 Chronicles 25:17 (from ya`ac, "to give or take counsel") the meaning seems to be "to consult with oneself"; compare also Judges 19:30 the King James Version (the Revised Version (British and American) "take counsel").
(2) Advise: In 2 Samuel 24:13 the King James Version (from yadha, "to know") "to advise" means "to advise oneself," i.e. "to consider" (the Revised Version (British and American) "advise thee") Compare also 1 Chronicles 21:12 the King James Version (the Revised Version (British and American) "consider" from, ra'ah, "to see") and Proverbs 13:10 where "well- advised" is the same as "considerate" (from ya`ac; see 2 Chronicles 25:17).
(3) Advisement (antiquated): Found once in the Old Testament in 1 Chronicles 12:19 (from `etsah, "counsel"), where "upon advisement" means "upon deliberation." Compare 2Macc 14:20 the King James Version (the Revised Version (British and American) "when these proposals had been long considered").
A. L. Breslich