Armlet arm'-let: The word translated "bracelet" in 2 Samuel 1:10 the King James Version, probably denotes an "armlet," or "arm-band," worn on the upper arm. but it is the same word which with a different context is rendered "ankle- chains" (in Numbers 31:50 the Revised Version (British and American)). The "bracelet" of Wisdom of Sirach 21:21 the King James Version, worn upon the right arm, was an "armlet," as is seen from the list given of Judith's ornaments: who "decked herself bravely with her armlets (the Revised Version (British and American) `chains') and her bracelets, and her rings, and her ear-rings, and all her ornaments" (Judith 10:4). The nature of the ornaments given in the Revised Version (British and American) as "armlets," Exodus 35:22, Numbers 31:50, and in the King James Version as "tablets," is uncertain. For full and distinguishing, descriptions of "arm-lets," "anklets," "bracelets," etc., found in ancient graves, see PEFS, 1905, 318 ff. See also ORNAMENT.
George B. Eager