Bar (2) bar (substantive):
(1) beriach = "a bolt" (Exodus 26:26-29, Exodus 35:11, Exodus 36:31-34, Exodus 39:33, Exodus 40:18, Numbers 3:36, Numbers 4:31, Deuteronomy 3:5, Judges 16:3, 1 Samuel 23:7, 1 Kings 4:13, 2 Chronicles 8:5, 2 Chronicles 14:7, Nehemiah 3:3, Nehemiah 3:6, Nehemiah 3:13-15, Job 38:10 "bars and doors" for the sea (the bank or shore of the sea); Psalms 107:16, Psalms 147:13 "the bars of thy gates": the walls of the city were now rebuilt and its gates only closed and barred by night (see Nehemiah 7:3); Proverbs 18:19, "bars of a castle"; Isaiah 45:2, Jeremiah 49:31, Jeremiah 51:30, Lamentations 2:9, Ezekiel 38:11): meaning "a rock in the sea" (Jonah 2:6).
(2) moT = "a staff," "stick," "pole" (Numbers 4:10, Numbers 4:12 margin); "strong fortification and great impediment" (Isaiah 45:2, Amos 1:5, "the bolt of Damascus": no need here to render prince, as some do (G. A. Smith in the place cited.)).
(3) badh = "staff," "part of body," "strength" (Job 17:16, "bars of Sheol": the gates of the world of the dead; compare Isaiah 38:10; some read, "Will the bars of Sheol fall?").
(4) meTil = "something hammered out, a (forged) bar" (Job 40:18).
Frank E. Hirsch