Booty boot'-i (baz and baz): "Booty" is the translation of baz or baz, usually rendered "prey" and "spoil" (Jeremiah 49:32); of malqoach, "prey," "booty" (Numbers 31:32, "the booty-the rest of the prey," the Revised Version (British and American) "the prey, over and above the booty," baz); of meshiccah, "spoil" (Habakkuk 2:7, Zechariah 1:13; the Revised Version (British and American) "spoil"); of opheleia, "gain" (2Macc 8:20). "Booty respects what is of personal service to the captor; spoils whatever serves to designate his triumph; prey includes whatever gratifies the appetite and is to be consumed" (Crabb, English Synonymes). Persons (for slaves, etc.) might be part of the booty. See also SPOIL.

W. L. Walker

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