Causeway; Causey koz'-wa, ko'-zi (more correctly): This word occurs in 1 Chronicles 26:16, 1 Chronicles 26:18 for the Hebrew mecillah; Septuagint pastophorion tes anabaseos. In 2 Chronicles 9:11 the word is translated "terraces" (Septuagint anabaseis). Compare BDB, under the word, where mecilloth, is an error for mic`adhoth (1 Kings 10:12). In all the above passages reference is made to a series or flight of steps leading up into the temple. The word also signifies a prepared, traveled road, as in Numbers 20:19, Judges 20:31 f,45; 1 Samuel 6:12, 2 Samuel 20:12 f; 2 Kings 18:17 (Isaiah 36:2); Isaiah 7:3, Isaiah 11:16, Isaiah 19:23, Isaiah 33:8, Isaiah 40:3, Isaiah 49:11, Jeremiah 31:21.
Figurative: In Isaiah 59:7 the word (mecillah) occurs in a figurative sense, so also in Judges 5:20, Proverbs 16:17.
W. N. Stearns