Diblah (1):

dib'-la (dibhlah, "circle"; Deblatha): The name occurs only in Ezekiel 6:14 (the King James Version "Diblath"), and the place has not been identified. If the reading is correct it may possibly be represented by Dibl, a village in Upper Galilee, South of Tibnin. but more likely it is a scribal error for Riblah.


dib'-la (dibhlah, "circle"; Deblatha): The name occurs only in Ezekiel 6:14 (the King James Version "Diblath"), and the place has not been identified. If the reading is correct it may possibly be represented by Dibl, a village in Upper Galilee, South of Tibnin. but more likely it is a scribal error for Riblah.

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