Elizaphan el-i-za'-fan, e-liz'-a-fan ('elitsaphan; Septuagint Eleisaphan, Elisaphan, Elisapa, Elisaphat, "God has protected; compare tsephanyah, Zephaniah, "Yah has protected," and the Phoenician, tsephanba`al, Baal has protected"):
(1) The son of Uzziel, the son of Kohath, and so a prince of the Levitical class of the Kohathites (Numbers 3:30, 1 Chronicles 15:8, 2 Chronicles 29:13). but in 1 Chronicles 15:8, 2 Chronicles 29:13 his class seems to be coordinate with that of the Kohathites. He is called Elzaphan in Exodus 6:22, Leviticus 10:4.
(2) A "prince" or chief of Zebulun, who represented that tribe in the division of the land (Numbers 34:25). Walter R. Betteridge