Excellent ek'-se-lent 'addir, yattir (Aramaic); diaphoroteros, kratistos:
The translation of various Hebrew words, chiefly of 'addir, "great," "honorable" (Psalms 8:1, Psalms 8:9, Psalms 16:3, Psalms 76:4); yattir, "surpassing," is Aramaic, occurring in Daniel 2:31, Daniel 4:36, Daniel 5:12, Daniel 5:14, Daniel 6:3. Other words are bachar, "to glow," "try," "choose" (Song of Solomon 5:15); ga'on, "mounting," "swelling" (Isaiah 4:2; see EXCELLENCY); gadhal, "to make or become great" (Isaiah 28:29), and other words occurring singly.
In the New Testament we have diaphoroteros, "greater," "better" (Hebrews 1:4, Hebrews 8:6); kratistos, "most excellent," "most noble" (Luke 1:3, Acts 23:26); ta diapheronta, "things that differ," "are preeminent" (Romans 2:18, Philippians 1:10); megaloprepes, "becoming to the great" (2 Peter 1:17, the King James Version "a voice to him from the excellent glory," the American Standard Revised Version and the English Revised Version, margin "the Majestic Glory"); kath' huperbolen "very surpassing" (1 Corinthians 12:31, "Yet I show unto you a more excellent way," the Revised Version (British and American) "most excellent"); pleion, "greater," "fuller" (Hebrews 11:4; see ABEL).
W. L. Walker