Fit, Fitly fit'-li:
The word "fit" (adjective and verb) occurs a few times, representing nearly as many Hebrew and Greek words. the Revised Version (British and American) frequently alters, as in Leviticus 16:21 (`itti, "timely," "opportune," "ready"), where for "fit" it reads "in readiness," margin "appointed." In 1 Chronicles 7:11 the Revised Version (British and American) has "that were able"; in Isaiah 44:13, "shapeth"; in Proverbs 24:27, "ready," etc. "Fitly" in Proverbs 25:11 is in the Revised Version, margin "in due season"; in Song of Solomon 5:12, "fitly set" is in the Revised Version, margin "sitting by full streams." In the New Testament "fit" is the translation of euthetos, "well placed" (Luke 9:62, Luke 14:35), of kathekon, "suitable" (Acts 22:22), and of katartizo, "to make quite ready" (Romans 9:22, "vessels of wrath fitted unto destruction").
W. L. Walker