Garden, The King's Mention is made of "the king's garden" in 2 Kings 25:4, Jeremiah 39:4, Jeremiah 52:7 (fundamentally the same passage), in connection with the flight of Zedekiah from Jerusalem; and again in Nehemiah 3:15. The last passage shows that the "garden" was at the pool of Siloah (the Revised Version (British and American) "Shelah"), at the mouth of Tyropeon, near the "fountain gate." This would seem to be "the gate between the two walls which was by the king's garden" of the passages in 2Ki and Jer (compare 2 Chronicles 32:5). On the topography, see JERUSALEM; also Robinson, Palestine, II, 142. Arnold (in Herzog) thinks the garden is probably identical with "the garden of Uzza" of 2 Kings 21:18, 2 Kings 21:26.
James Orr