Gin jin (moqesh, pach): A noose of hair or wire for snaring wild birds alive. There are over half a dozen traps and net devices indicated by different terms in the Bible. The gin was of horse-hair for small birds and wire for larger ones. It is mentioned in Amos 3:5: "Can a bird fall in a snare upon the earth, where no gin is set for him? shall a snare spring up from the ground, and have taken nothing at all?" Job writing in mental and physical discomfort on the ash heap included all methods mentioned in one outburst:
"For he is cast into a net by his own feet.
And he walketh upon the toils.
A gin shall take him by the heel,
And a snare shall lay hold on him,
A noose is hid for him in the ground.
And a trap for him in the way" (Job 18:8).
Gene Stratton-Porter