Jachin ja'-kin (yakhin, "he will establish"):
(1) The 4th son of Simeon (Genesis 46:10, Exodus 6:15, Numbers 26:12). In 1 Chronicles 4:24 his name is given as "Jarib" (compare the King James Version margin, the Revised Version margin). "Jachinites," the patronymic of the family, occurs in Numbers 26:12.
(2) Head of the 21st course of priests in the time of David (1 Chronicles 24:17). It is used as a family name in 1 Chronicles 9:10, and as such also in Nehemiah 11:10, where some of the course are included in the list of those who, having returned from Babylon, willingly accepted the decision of the lot, and abandoned their rural retreats to become citizens and guardians of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 11:1).
James Crichton