Kindred kin'-dred: Several words are rendered "kindred" in the King James Version. 'ach, "brother," was used loosely among Hebrews for a member of the same tribe or family, a relative; and is once translated "kindred" (1 Chronicles 12:29 the King James Version). Once also somewhat loosely as the translation of modha`ath, literally, "acquaintance" (Ruth 3:2; compare same root in 2:1, rendered "kinsman"); once, for the, figurative expression, "men of thy redemption" (ge'ullah, referring to the law of the redemption of land by kinsmen, Leviticus 25:25). The two most common words for kindred are: (1) moledheth, "related by birth" (Genesis 12:1, Genesis 24:4, Genesis 24:7, Genesis 31:3, Genesis 31:13, Genesis 32:9, Genesis 43:7, Numbers 10:30, Esther 2:10, Esther 2:20, Esther 8:6); (2) mishpachah, "family" (Genesis 24:38, Genesis 24:40, Genesis 24:41, Joshua 6:23, Ruth 2:3, 1 Chronicles 16:28, Job 32:2, Psalms 22:27, Psalms 96:7).
In the New Testament (several times), genos, "kindred by birth," so, of same family, tribe or race (Acts 4:6, Acts 7:13, Acts 7:19 the Revised Version (British and American) "race"); so also suggeneia (Luke 1:61, Acts 7:3, Acts 7:14). In the King James Version phule, "tribe," rendered "kindred" (Revelation 1:7, Revelation 5:9, Revelation 7:9, Revelation 11:9, Revelation 13:7, Revelation 14:6), but better "tribe" as in the Revised Version (British and American). patria, rendered "kindred" in Acts 3:25, is better "families," as in the Revised Version (British and American).
Edward Bagby Pollard