Phaldeus fal-de'-us (Codex Alexandrinus (Fritzsche) Phaldaios; Codex Vaticanus (Swete) Phaladaios; the King James Version Phaldaius): One of those who stood on Ezra's left hand when he expounded the Law (Ezra 9:44) equals "Pedaiah" of Nehemiah 8:4.
Phaldeus fal-de'-us (Codex Alexandrinus (Fritzsche) Phaldaios; Codex Vaticanus (Swete) Phaladaios; the King James Version Phaldaius): One of those who stood on Ezra's left hand when he expounded the Law (Ezra 9:44) equals "Pedaiah" of Nehemiah 8:4.