Pit The word translates different Hebrew words of which the most important are:
(1) bor, "pit" or "cistern," made by digging, (Genesis 37:20); hence, "dungeon" (Jeremiah 38:6, margin "pit");
(2) be'er, "pit" or "well" made by digging (Genesis 21:25);
(3) she'ol, generally rendered "hell" in the King James Version (see HELL);
(4) shachath, a pit in the ground to catch wild animals. (1), (2) and (4) above are used metaphorically of the pit of the "grave" or of "sheol" (Psalms 28:1, Psalms 30:3, Job 33:24). the King James Version sometimes incorrectly renders (4) by "corruption."
(5) pachath, "pit," literally (2 Samuel 17:9), and figuratively (Jeremiah 48:43).
In the New Testament "pit" renders bothunos (Matthew 15:14), which means any kind of hole in the ground. In the corresponding passage Lu (14:5 the King James Version) has phrear, "well," the same as (2) above. For "bottomless pit" (Revelation 9:1, the King James Version, etc.).
T. Lewis