Salmai sal'-mi, sal'-ma-i (salmay; the King James Version, Shalmai (the King James Version in Nehemiah 7:48 is "Shalmai" = Ezra 2:46); the Revised Version (British and American) "Salmai"): The eponym of a family of Nethinim, called "Shamlai" in Ezra 2:46 (Qere, shamlay, Kethibh, shalmay, followed by the King James Version text, "Shalmai"; Codex Vaticanus Samaan; Codex Alexandrinus Selami; Nehemiah 7:48, Codex Vaticanus Salemei; Codex Alexandrinus Selmei; Codex Sinaiticus Samaei). The name suggests a foreign reign. In Ezra 5:30 the corresponding name is "Subai."