Save sav: In the sense "except," the word came into English through the French (sauf) and is fairly common (38 times, in addition to "saving," the King James Version Ecclesiastes 5:11, Amos 9:8, Matthew 5:32, Luke 4:27, Revelation 2:17). It represents no particular Hebrew or Greek terms but is employed wherever it seems useful. It is still in good (slightly archaic) use, and the Revised Version (British and American) has few modifications (Deuteronomy 15:4 the King James Version; Psalms 18:31, etc.), but the English Revised Version has dropped "saving" in Luke 4:27 and Revelation 2:17 and the American Standard Revised Version also in Ecclesiastes 5:11, Amos 9:8, retaining it only in Matthew 5:32.