Vehement, Vehemently ve'-he-ment, ve'-he-ment-li (charishi; epipothesis): "Vehement" (from Latin vehere, "to carry," or ve, "out of," and mens, "mind"), carried away by the mind or force of passion, occurs twice in the Old Testament (Song of Solomon 8:6, the King James Version "a most vehement flame" (jealousy)) as the translation of shalhebheth-yah, "the flame of Yah," which perhaps means lightning (the Revised Version (British and American) "a very flame of Yahweh," margin "a most vehement flame, Hebrew: Yah"); and as the translation of the King James Version charishi, "silent," "still," hence "sultry" (Jonah 4:8, the King James Version "a vehement east wind," the Revised Version (British and American) "sultry"). In the New Testament, "vehement desire" is (the King James Version) the translation of epipothesis, "earnest desire" (2 Corinthians 7:11, the Revised Version (British and American) "longing").
"Vehemently" is the translation of deinos, "greatly" (Luke 11:53); of ek perissou or ekperissos, "beyond measure" (Mark 14:31, "He spake exceeding vehemently"); of eutonos, "intensely" (Luke 23:10); and in the King James Version of prosrhegnumi, "to break" or "dash upon" (Luke 6:48, Luke 6:49, the Revised Version (British and American) "break").
W. L. Walker