Weight wat (Measure of quantity) mishqal, (mishqol (Ezekiel 4:10), from shaqkal, "to weigh" 'ebhen, "a stone" used for weighing in the balance): Weights were commonly of stone or bronze (or of lead, Zechariah 5:7, Zechariah 5:8). They were of various forms, such as the lion-shaped weights of Babylonia and Assyria, or in the form of birds and other animals. The Hebrew and Phoenician weights, when made of stone, were barrel-shaped or spindle-shaped, but in bronze they were often cubical or octagonal or with numerous faces (see illustration under WEIGHTS AND MEASURES). Hemispherical or dome-shaped stone weights have been found in Palestine (PEFS, 1902, p. 344; 1903, p. 117; 1904, p. 209).
Figurative: The phrase "without weight" (2 Kings 25:16) signifies a quantity too great to be estimated. "Weight of glory" (2 Corinthians 4:17, baros) has a similar meaning, but with a spiritual reference. "Weighty," "weightier" (Matthew 23:23, 2 Corinthians 10:10, barus, baruteros), signify what is important. The Greek (ogkos) (Hebrews 12:1), is used in the sense of burden, hindrance, as is also the Hebrew neTel (Proverbs 27:3).
H. Porter